This Practice Changed My Life Forever

​Video Transcription

Hey everybody,

it's Laura Fredrickson. I’m here in Ibiza, Spain and as you can see I am in the most majestic, amazing locations. I took myself on a walk about, a lot of people are in the closing parties today in Ibiza, and I decided to come and pay my tributes to my church which is the Church of Planet Earth, and to just do a beautiful meditation intention setting for a new moon. 

And just find that the most beautiful meditations that I can ever do are those that are based in two very simple words which is thank you. And when I say thank you, I truly am grateful for my life exactly how it is. So it's not about altering, it's not about wishing things were different, it truly is about being grateful for everything that's unfolded and I know you may say “well yeah, look where you are; you have so much to be grateful for”, but know that my journey and my path has not always looked like this and it certainly has not felt like this. I've had many years of depression, many years of despair, all fundamentally of course due to basing my life, my insecurity, my happiness, well being, on the illusory and fleeting value of money or something outside of myself.

So have embarked on a journey of self discovery which initiated about 20 years ago, I've been on it every since. And I just want you to know that if I can do it you can do it. And one of the most incredible catalysts for me to realize the life that I'm living now was a gratitude appreciation practice. So if you find that you're in a dark place or even if you find that you're in an amazing place, you can always elevate your experience, believe me.

And I would just want to just remind everybody that one of the most powerful things that you can do to shift your current experiences is to do your mental fitness gym. And so a lot of people are focused on yoga and eating right and all that is amazing, but we're not creating from our actions, were creating from our thoughts. Our thoughts are giving rise to our feelings which are informing our actions which are creating our results. So in order to fundamentally shift our results we have to shift our beliefs and the way that we're thinking for the most part. We don't have to do that to the point of perfection, we don't have to micromanage 60,000 thoughts, but we do need to shift the inner ratio of our attention from focusing on lack, scarcity and what isn't working, to possibility what is working and appreciation.

So, powerful practice that supported me is an appreciation practice of gratitude journal, so I would invite you. Four days aweek is all that's required. For the first part of the day it’s ideal because it will set the energetic tone for your day. We’re going to acknowledge three things that you’re grateful for; it can be absolutely anything. And you know that you're doing the exercise right because it will feel good to do so. 

So threethings you’re grateful for, no repeats. No repeats is important because it’s going to deepen and expand what you’re noticing, which will deepen and expand what you're inviting in. So remember what you focus on expands so what you appreciate appreciates.

Sending so much love to each and every single one of you from Ibiza.

​ #Appreciation #Empowerment #Enjoyment #Fulfillionaire #Gratitude #InstituteofTrueWealth‬ ‪ #Priceless

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