Join The Institute of True Wealth today and Experience a Life of Freedom, Joy and Abundance!

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"What surprises me most about humanity is man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. 
And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; The result being that he does not live in the present or the future.
He lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”

His Holiness The Dalai Lama

Do you know the true source of your security and happiness?

What if you could...

Experience a deep sense of peace and security?

Live in a consistent state of trust in the benevolence of life?

Know your innate sense of worth and value?

Thrive as you share your gifts with the world?

Have your life feel like a perpetual vacation?

Finally start living your dream life?

What if you never worried about money again?

The truth is: you can!

What if I told you that most of us have it backwards?

We’ve been taught that we need money to be OK, and that money equals security and freedom. And so we stress out about how to make money and how to keep it. And it doesn’t seem to matter how much we have, the feelings of stress and fear and lack stay with us.

I know firsthand the cost of this false pursuit. My parents committed suicide together, due to money stress and their fundamentally flawed relationship with money and with life. I then followed on their footsteps, losing the fortune I inherited in the tech collapse, having my home in foreclosure and facing mountains of debt, which eventually led me to planning my own suicide.

It was in the darkest moment that a new path of transformation opened. This experience of despair and powerlessness, ultimately authored the proven methodology of the Prosperity Principles & Practices that are the basis of Institute of True Wealth.

In the wake of 2020 we are in the Great Change and the precipice of a new dawn.

With the collapse of the old world order, a fundamental identity crisis, as well as an economic crisis is coming, which will parallel that of the Great Depression.

The waves of distress are evident, caused by people's reliance on money to guide their lives, provide security and a sense of self worth.

As materialism draws to a necessary close, experience and guidance on the subject of how to liberate ourselves from a codependent relationship to money and external orientation will be essential. and how to establish an intimate knowledge of our self worth, core identity, and an innate understanding of how truly powerful we are to define our realities, will be crucial.

You are the one you’ve been waiting for.

To get deeply in touch with the true basis of flourishing, beyond the financial will be paramount.

What really matters to you?
What do you truly value?
What is your definition of success

The previous path has not been sustainable and has been extremely costly to our personal, collective and planetary well being, There is a consciousness uprising and awakening that is upon us. If you are feeling inner rumblings – heed the call. This is an alarm clock we can not hit ‘snooze on’.

Meet Laura Fredrickson, Financial Wellness + Empowerment Expert

For the past 23 years I have been devoted to empowering individuals to shift their relationship with money, realize their self worth beyond their net worth, and create lives of true fulfillment, happiness and freedom. I guide people to build inner empires and to create lives that are authentically successful, with a deep knowing of their innate value and their ability to THRIVE in service to their gifts.

My journey began when my financially stressed parents committed suicide together. I became obsessed with conquering money. I made millions, and then lost every cent. Having been under the collective spell that my security and happiness resided in my bank account, I began spiralling towards suicide, thinking I had lost everything.

And then... I Woke Up.  I realized that I did need to commit suicide, but needed to leave my body out of it.  What needed to die were the beliefs that had me on the fast track to being the richest woman in the cemetery.

After renegotiating my own terms and discovering the foundational principles governing my personal reality, I began to align with Universal Flow and the source of my true freedom and happiness- as well as my authentic worth and value. 

For over 2 decades I’ve had the privilege of enriching the lives of countless individuals to include  Victoria Secret Supermodels, UN Ambassadors, Olympic athletes, Celebrities, US Diplomats, Companies and Corporations. 

My global mission is to revolutionize worth and wealth and initiate a new paradigm of success of what I call being a Fulfillionaire, which is an experience that is based in emotional well being, personal fulfillment and financial empowerment with my ‘Priceless Principles & Practices for True Wealth’.

Join me on the path of solution and begin your journey of creating a vital and empowered relationship with money (and the rest of your life), and liberate yourself forever.

By joining The Prosperity Institute, you now have an accessible way to learn the ‘Prosperity Principles & Practices’ and...  


preston smiles 

I have made leaps and bounds

Laura Fredrickson is a genius and master at what she does. I have never had someone penetrate my money resistance like her. I have made leaps and bounds in a short amount of time transforming my fears around money into empowerment and joy. You would be silly not to work with her.

Let's face it. It is all consuming and exhausting to be stressed about money,

confused and overwhelmed in your personal and financial life...…. and it’s EVEN MORE discouraging to keep looking for that one thing that will work for you, and never find it.

You have probably tried a number of different things to get out of your rut... 

That's probably because you're continuing to focus on steps that you believe are fundamental to making more money and realizing material wealth.

What you are not focusing on are the internal beliefs and perceptions that are the root of the problem.

You may not realize it yet, but

your beliefs and perceptions are the reason you continue to struggle and have anxiety! They are also the reason why your results are not fundamentally shifting!

I am sure you have heard Einstein's quote:

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results"

Are you ready to do something different to bring about abundant results?

As a Prosperity Institute Member, you will get to the heart of the matter (literally) and discover why action is not the vital ingredient necessary!
You will discover the empowering solution that will bring about Self Mastery and sustainable positive shifts in your emotional experience and financial results!

This program is unique because it is:

  • Based on Personal Experience
    I’ve lived through the same anguish and pain and have found my way through to living a life of TRUE Wealth. I can relate to everything you are going through!
  • Tried and tested
    I offer you simple scientifically based Principles that are easy to understand and apply!
  • Practice-based
    I provide you with simple tools and exercises that you can do in your everyday life so that YOU are empowered!
  • Mentorship
    I will guide you through every step of the way
  • Experiential from the inside out
    This program is not focused on making MORE money (although this will be a result) but rather assuring that you are actually experiencing true freedom and security!
  • Adapted to your life
    This program is not time consuming!  Let’s face it, we all have extremely busy schedules.  If something is not easy to do and brings about immediate results, we won’t stick to it!!

This program is

Infused with Spirit, Back By Science and Proven By Results.

anand ken von roenn III

Within a month I tripled my income

The Prosperity Principles course with Laura Fredrickson truly is an invaluable experience. I learned many skills that will stay with me the rest of my life. Within a month I tripled my income and opened to several new opportunities. I highly recommend the course for anyone wanting to increase their happiness and wellbeing."

This program is unique because it is:

  • Based on Personal Experience
    I’ve lived through the same anguish and pain and have found my way through to living a life of TRUE Wealth. I can relate to everything you are going through!
  • Tried and tested
    I offer you simple scientifically based Principles that are easy to understand and apply!
  • Practice-based
    I provide you with simple tools and exercises that you can do in your everyday life so that YOU are empowered!
  • Mentorship
    I will guide you through every step of the way
  • Experiential from the inside out
    This program is not focused on making MORE money (although this will be a result) but rather assuring that you are actually experiencing true freedom and security!
  • Adapted to your life
    This program is not time consuming!  Let’s face it, we all have extremely busy schedules.  If something is not easy to do and brings about immediate results, we won’t stick to it!!

Join today and you will be on your way to...

Financial Wellness

Create your right relationship with money and feel empowered to create the life you deserve

Personal Integrity

Learn to embody in your choices and everyday life what you most value.

Authentic Purpose

Discover what is most meaningful to you and why you are here.

Self Worth & Inner Peace

Realize your true worth and with that a state of irrevocable peace.

True Security & Freedom

Learn how to create everlasting freedom and security

Ease & Grace

Experience a sense of ease and flow as you come into alignment with the Natural Principles that create your personal reality.

Sustainable Happiness

Realize the essence of true freedom, happiness and joy.

Sovereignty & Independence

Master your thoughts, and therefore your experience.

Greater Self Love

Life treats you the way you treat you. Shift from judgement to acceptance and appreciation and learn to enjoy the creative process.

Your True Career

Craft a career that is a true expression of your Purpose and Passion. A Prosperous Career!


Cultivate a sense of unwavering confidence to create the life you truly desire.


If you ever felt that life is happening to you, you will learn how to go from victim to victor: a life that is happening for you, by you, and through you.

sam saturn

I have created my dream job

Before working with Laura, there was always a fear that the "other shoe" would drop and the money would run out. Stress and worry, no matter how much was reflected in my account. I didn't trust things would be ok and I was not feeling free and joyful. Now after working with Laura, I feel a core trust in life and a deep sense of gratitude. I have created my dream job and feel a sense of ease around money for the first time in my life. Everything has improved and I'm able to be more present and loving with my family and feel an overall state of freedom, empowerment and love in my life."

Choose your membership level below to get started!


  • 4 Enriching & Empowering Online Teachings Per Month filled with Prosperity Principles & Practices for Creating a Life of Passion, Purpose & Prosperity
  • Inspirational Interviews with Laura and Global Thought Leaders & True Wealth Advocates, Learn from their Journey’s, Wisdom and Solutions!
  • Prosperity Principles for True Wealth Book: 20 Principles & Practices for Self Mastery and Money Mastery


  • All the features of BASIC, plus:
  • Participation in the private Facebook Community Group.
  • Direct Access and Personalized Insight and Attention from Laura as she offers inspirational LIVE videos once a week (shot in exotic locations around the world).
  • Be supported with your questions, fears and setbacks!
  • Connect with a Global Community of Like Minded/Like Hearted People!
  • Share Inspirations & Successes! Be Held Accountable to Create Your Best Life!  Teamwork makes the Dream Work!


  • All the features of BASIC & PREMIUM, plus:
  • One 30 minute Coaching Call with Laura Receive direct support with shifting limiting beliefs, any setbacks and challenges you may have.

    About Laura

    International Speaker and Author, Founder of Institute of True Wealth and PROSPERITY Coaching & Consulting.

    Laura’s global mission is to empower people in their lives, specifically in their relationship with money, so they create lives of true wealth, and an experience of love, joy, passion, purpose and freedom. She is devoted to people remembering their self worth beyond their net worth, and creating lives of personal fulfillment and emotional well-being.

    Trusted Advisor with More Than 20 Years of Experience

    As a trusted advisor, Laura has enriched the lives of countless individuals for over 20 years through personal and corporate coaching, live workshops, speaking events, webinars and online programs.

    The intense and dramatic loss of Laura’s parents to a dual suicide due to money stress, as well as her own bout with suicide over her money stress and misguided approach to life, were initiations to Laura’s discovery of the source of true happiness, fulfillment and freedom.

    Science-Based Spiritual Economics with Proven Results

    Laura's ‘prosperity’ teachings on true wealth and true worth expose the false concepts that have kept us trapped in limitation, hypnotized by the belief that the source of our happiness and freedom is outside of us, giving us a path back home to ourselves. A path back to our true value, our true abundance, and the power to manifest our purpose and potential beyond what we had imagined possible!

    Laura’s Prosperity Principles and Practices provide you with an “Owner’s Manual” for creating a life of Purpose and Prosperity. A new thought language that offers a powerful NLP for repatterning your core limiting beliefs and therefore shifting your state of abundance and emotional well being.

    kerry ford

    The rewards have been flowing in BIG ways

    I participated in Laura’s Prosperity Program when I needed it most. I was in a bad financial situation after leaving my marriage, which felt impossible to overcome. I have attended many retreats, seminars and workshops. Nothing came close to providing both the insight into my blocks and how to remove them! Laura's program provides more than insight - it provides tangible, practical, powerful and simple tools to create authentic abundance in your life. The rewards have been flowing in BIG ways ever since! However the tools far surpass financial abundance, but will remind you of your value in the world and how incredibly abundant every area of your life can be.”

    Maybe you realize this already, and have taken steps…

    Maybe you already know that shifting your thoughts and beliefs regarding money can bring about more emotional well being, as opposed to trying to just make more of it!

    This Principle is what we call "The Law of Attraction," and it works… 

    ...but perhaps you feel it hasn’t worked for you. This is like saying the “law of gravity’ isn’t working. Believe me it is! The Law of Attraction has always been functioning behind the scenes in your life and it has everything to do with your experience with money!

    You see, it’s one thing to teach “theories” on how you can find fulfillment and attract success, and another to actually SHOW you step-by-step how to do it.

    And the rest of invisible Universal Laws are acting for you. Are you working in harmony of them?

    Right now your life is ruled by the Law Of Attraction, the Law of Abundance, and the Law of Response among others... By working in harmony with them you can manifest your life.

    If You’re Ready To Be Shown, Step-By-Step,The Real Way To Attract Unlimited Success, Wealth & Financial Abundance – And Quickly Manifest Your Life Of Freedom...

    We Invite You To Join 

    Institute of True Wealth!

    Institute of True Wealth is a membership program that offers a rare and unique combination of financial empowerment AND personal development training.

    After 20 years of coaching individuals to overcome limiting beliefs and easily shift from an experience of FEAR to one of LOVE AND TRUST, I have distilled my proprietary Alignment Process & Proven Methodology, as well as the Prosperity Principles and Practices I have authored into a MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM!

    What clients have spent 1000’s of dollars to receive in personal coaching, you CAN NOW ACCESS for as little as $33 per month.

    When you join, you will receive 20 years of Prosperity Realizations that will initiate well being in every aspect of your life, with a primary focus on FINANCIAL EMPOWERMENT!

    It is a pleasure, in addition to the science-based principles, you will also be given empowering practices and exercises that will free you from worry and stress regarding money, and allow you to move into a state of flow and prosperity.

    This program is designed to not only empower you regarding Money, but also empower you in your Relationships, Health and Career to create a life of An Experience of Holistic Well Being and Financial Wellness!

    Here’s what you will receive as a Prosperity Member:

    Access to our password-protected Prosperity Membership portal - global community of like-minded, like-hearted individuals just like you, committed to living a life of joy, love and freedom.

    This is our virtual home where you will find all of your content, as well as an open channel to communicate with me personally. Ask whatever questions you have, and I am happy to answer them.

    Empowering Webinars

    ‘Live’ Coaching with Laura

    Inspirational Videos & Recordings

    The Rich Content Archive

    Access to a Global Community committed to a Life of True Wealth

    Prosperity Principles & Practices for Full Integration in your Daily Life

    In other words, everything you need to create a life of TRUE WEALTH:
    A Life that is rich in Relationships, Health, Career and Money!

    Derek Rydall - Founder 'The Law of Emergence,' Best-Selling Author.

    The power to manifest our purpose

    Laura’s ‘Prosperity’ teachings on true wealth and true worth tap into the ultimate zeitgeist of our times, exposing the false concepts that have kept us trapped in limitation, hypnotized by the belief that our source is outside of us — and giving us a path back home again. A path back to our true value, our true abundance, and the power to manifest our purpose and potential beyond what we have imagined!”

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Will I make a lot of money by doing this program?

    If you are looking for a traditional ‘Get Rich Quick’ program you have definitely come to the wrong place. You will create abundance in your life in the form of money, however the primary focus is on truly making a living, which is to say you enjoy your creative journey and are not making money at the expense of your own happiness and well being. This program is about cultivating an experience that is rich in all ways, money being one version of that richness. Would you rather be a ‘Fulfillionaire’ or a ‘millionaire’?

    I'm really busy. Will this program require a lot of time and energy?

    No, this program requires your intention first and foremost, and in addition to that approximately 5-15 min per day (minimum of 4 days a week) for your ‘homework’. In order for shifts to occur all that is required is an internal shift from 49% to 51%. The Law of Physics and momentum will handle the rest. This is not about ‘’perfection” or the micro management of 60-80K thoughts a day (thank goodness)! That would be exhausting!! This program is about ease and grace. You will learn how to shift your perceptions and attention in an easy way based on awareness, with a focus on alignment.

    What results can I experience from doing the Prosperity Program?

    The first sign of evidence is an improved state of being -feeling more calm and empowered. Since you are attracting based on how you feel, everything in your life – relationships, health, career and money will begin to reflect back for you this better feeling state. In a short amount of time (3-4 weeks) you will start to see literal evidence in the form of new opportunities and greater abundance in the areas that are meaningful to you.

    How is this program unique from all of the others on the market relative to Abundance?

    Laura’s intense personal experiences partnered with 20 years of working with people, give her an innate ability to facilitate sustainable shifts for those that do her program. Her program and methodology are simple and practical. She also provides basic practices that allow you to ground these principles in your everyday life for sustainable results.

    How is this different from therapy?

    Unlike traditional therapy, we won’t go down memory lane and have you focus on what has occurred in your past. What we focus on expands, which will produce the same experiences in different packages if we continue to regurgitate our old stories. In order to create a new experience, you must tell a better feeling story. In our journey together you will learn how to shift your experiences in the spirit of awareness, not processing or indulgence.

    Is there a Money Back Guarantee

    You are absolutely able to receive a full refund, provided you have gone through the program and practices and have not received any benefit.

    Program Policy

    Click Here for the Program Policy.

    Your Information is Safe

    We will not sell or rent your personal contact information for any marketing purposes whatsoever.

    Secure Checkout

    All information is encrypted and transmitted without risk using a Secure Sockets Layer protocol.

    Need Help

    Email us anytime at:

    Your results will directly correlate to your commitment and consistency with the practices.

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