About the Book

At one point or another on life’s long journey, many of us will grapple with the experience of becoming lost.  Our sense of identity may be upended by losing a longtime career or position, letting go of a cherished friend or family member, or we may be faced with an unexpected health crisis or a major financial loss.

Whatever the cause, this becoming lost can pull our reference points right out from underneath us, leaving us despairing and disoriented.

Like a child in the darkening forest, our best hope at such a time is to find some way back to a place that makes sense to us, a place where the way forward becomes visible once again.  And to find that place, we need some sign or symbol or reminder left by another who has been where we are once or twice and has found their way back to safety.  In short, we need breadcrumbs that we can begin to follow from one to the other, even in the darkest hour.

Laura Fredrickson is such a person; one who has lived through the death of both her parents through suicide, ruinous financial losses in the dot com collapse, and the loss of deep love in relationship.

More importantly, she is one who found her way through each of these destabilizing life challenges towards a deeper resiliency and a greater flourishing.  And to our benefit, she had the presence of mind to take notes along the way, recording her learnings and molding them into straightforward explanations and processes to help others navigate similar territory.

What you will find in this volume is not simply words or notions, but breadcrumbs.  The chapters herein are designed to help you find your way back to yourself, when you find yourself lost in life’s many twists and turns.

However this came about, however suddenly or gradually, the crumbs laid down here by Laura and others who have faced devastating loss and challenge, can be a vital resource in remembering your way homeward.

On the path of life we all find ourselves turned around from time to time, and sometimes we wander off the trail entirely or fall off a hidden ledge and find ourselves in need of real help.

In this book, Laura has worked diligently to assemble an emergency kit — with a compress for a broken heart, a map of what really matters and what leads us astray, and a moral compass pointing the way on our crucial journey back to Self.

May it serve you in your time of need, and inspire you when your feet are back on the Way.

Benjamin Francis Phelan

Beauty, inspiration, and a Gold-Mine of Wisdom

A must read and a thoughtful road map to reconnect with your true self. Revelatory, and extremely important information.This book is so full of love-of compassion-of caring – of humility-of gratitude.A wonderful guide for anyone who wants to have a more peaceful, spiritual, forgiving,compassionate life.

A Guide From the Depths of Darkness to the Light of a New Day

Reading Laura’s story touched me deeply and I was left with a powerful sense of her life’s journey and the goodness that emerged out of the depths of loss and despair. The book carries a fiery message of Hope for those who temporarily find themselves adrift. Thank you for writing this spiritual traveler’s guide with such clearly crafted signs that glow in the dark and point the way home.

It is powerful from the opening words to the closing pages..

Wow! This is one of those books that belongs on everyone’s spiritual bookshelf! It is powerful from the opening words to the closing pages. Laura was able to open her heart to each reader – sharing her losses as well as the Divine Wisdom she learned along the way. For those contemplating ending their lives, this book will hopefully serve as a spiritual lifeline. For those who have lost a loved one to suicide, this book offers hope, understanding, and a path to healing. And for any spiritual seeker, this book provides so many jewels of esoteric knowledge.

This book is truly a masterpiece and a must read!..

Laura is a poetic storyteller and spiritual teacher. This book is truly a masterpiece and a must read!

A must have for anyone that has lost their way or experienced any despair in their life!

I cannot recommend this beautiful healing work that Laura gifted this planet enough! I hope to give this book to all of my clients who are on paths to self love and self healing, as it is for every single human to connect back to their perfection! Thank you thank you thank you Laura!

“Her Words Bring Hope”…

I’ve been slowly sipping on Laura Fredrickson’s new book. This is an exploration, personal and universal, an adventure and query into loss, life and death, cultural perceptions all for the deeper wisdom and understanding…the freedom available from our fellow humans and the unseen helpers and guides who have maybe the greater perspective. Laura Fredrickson’s lyrical writing style drums home …points to overlooked and unturned possibilities and perspectives so needed when in the depths of grief and loss. Her words bring hope, light-heartedness, and accessible energy held in the expanding present moment.

“A Beacon of Hope + Empowerment”…

I recommend this delightfully inspiring book to anyone who experiences a sense of loss within themselves. In a time of collective and personal trauma, with Covid, political division, economic challenges and so on, we all may feel a sense of despair. Laura offers delightful reminders that are uplifting; a mirroring of essential truths of being that is innate in our divinely human expression of life. Inviting us to recognize the true nature of Self and live in the celebration of the gift of life. Moving us to that rememberance with appreciation and being gratitude itself.

“For Those Who Have Lost Their Way, BRILLIANT!”…

The name of the book is so important. We purchased several books for our town, schools, churches, and youth groups. There is a horrible shortage of mental health professionals, and this book is truly a valuable source, to assist individuals when they can’t reach or afford a therapist. Laura helps you manifest your true purpose and get back on the path home to self. Thank you for this amazing book!

“This Book is Pure Magic!”…

When I waver, I find myself thinking back to some of the abundant wisdom this book offers. Laura Fredrickson’s perspective on value, the truth of one’s personal journey, and working (playing!) with challenges have had a tremendous and positive impact in my life. And, by extension, in the lives of those I affect. Weaving clear principles, enlightened advice, prayer, and personal stories, Laura has given us a guidebook for creating a more joyful, fulfilled life.Stop “should-ing” and just get the book! You’ll thank yourself.

I LOVE “A Journey Back To Self” – It Has Positively Impacted My Life in So Many Ways!