“Laura’s ‘Priceless’ teachings on true wealth and true worth tap into the ultimate zeitgeist of our times, exposing the false concepts that have kept us trapped in limitation, hypnotized by the belief that our source is outside of us — and giving us a path back home again. A path back to our true value, our true abundance, and the power to manifest our purpose and potential beyond what we have imagined! As my coach and guide many times, I can’t even begin to put a price on   what  she’s given to my life.”

Derek Rydall

Best Selling Author

“Laura Fredrickson is a genius and master at what she does. I have never had someone penetrate my money resistance like her. I have made leaps and bounds in a short amount of time, transforming my fears around money into empowerment and joy. You would be silly not to work her!”

Preston Smiles

Motivational speaker, Author and Founder of The Love Mob.

“Laura is living proof and an exemplar, of someone who has been very far into the darkness, and has come back. She is therefore a very credible person with whom to explore this new way of relating to money, prosperity, safety, security and control. She is credible in ways that most simply are not.”

Barnett Bain

Producer, What Dreams May Come, Milton’s Secret with Eckhart Tolle

“Through my blessed work I’ve had the privilege of serving along side the worlds most respected evolutionary leaders. After spending countless intimate hours with Laura Fredrickson I can say with all sincerity that humans just don’t get much better. She is a pure and radiant light, consistently focused on solutions and possibilities. I’ve witnessed instant and permanent transformation in those fortunate enough to be guided by Laura. Her technique is gentle and purely loving. She is a gift to my company, my marriage, and my life.””

Mikki Willis

Award Winning Director/Producer & Founder of Elevate Films

“Working with Laura has had a profound impact on both my inner state of being and my role as a leader. Laura has helped me transform deeply conditioned beliefs about love, work, leadership and money from struggle and scarcity to flow and possibility. I never ceased to be impressed by how clear and articulate she is and by her ability to take any scenario and turn it into a profound opportunity for transformation and insight. I tell my friends, “If you are ready to live the life you were born for, work with Laura!”

 Laura Whitney

President, Ojai Foundation                                                                        

“Working with Laura has been tremendously valuable. She is a trusted advisor and someone I can always count on to help me find a grounded understanding of even the most trying circumstances. I can see the effects of our work together resonating positively in all facets of my life.”

Brett Leve

Co-Founder, Summit Co.

“Laura’s work is inspiring and satisfying. It is all-purpose and purposeful. It is clean and good.” 

John Forté

Grammy-nominated recording artist, producer, educator and activist

“Laura is a life changing coach and spirit guide. She has helped me let go of stories I was telling myself that were holding me back. Since I started working with Laura, my life is more joyful, my company is more successful, and I am much more present for all of it. I am deeply grateful to her.”

~Molly Barton

CEO Realm

Laura Fredrickson is a coach’s coach, with a spiritual awareness so transcendent it will take you to the mountain top, yet so real-world sense so grounded you will come back to the valley ready to rock the free world! Rooted in an ancient wisdom and earthy authenticity, you can’t spend time with Laura without walking away inspired to be more yourself, and motivated to start living the life you were born for.

Derek Rydall

“Through working with Laura, I’ve come into relationship with myself in a new way and discovered how to “flip the script” on the mindsets that were sabotaging me. She has guided me with compassion and wisdom, providing me with a roadmap when I felt lost in drama and chaos. Laura has a profound gift for elevating women to become the most fulfilled versions of themselves and I am deeply grateful for her work. I would encourage anyone looking for more clarity and abundance in their lives to sign-up for her programs.”

Abby Epstein

Film Director

“Before I started working with Laura, I was in a state of chronic anxiety and exhaustion and not reaching my financial goals. Once I began our work together, I began to feel better immediately and saw a near instant improvement in my finances. Since then, I’ve been able to triple an investment, which has afforded me the opportunity to purchase real estate in Brooklyn (a long held dream). Our work together has also given me the confidence to start my own business, which has quickly reached profitability.”

~Stefanie Syman 

Entrepreneur & Author

For the majority of my adult life, money had been a subject that haunted me – my experience around money was one of stress, struggle, and suffering. As a business owner, I tied my abundance & monetary success – or lack thereof – to my sense of inner worthiness and how I felt about myself. I was doing a lot of “money work” on my own and with other programs, but nothing seemed to be really “working” for me. I felt confused, disempowered and was living in a downward spiral of fear and confusion around money.

Since making the powerful choice to invest in myself with Laura’s coaching support and her Priceless Principles for True Wealth, I have discovered within me my infinite worthiness and SOUL wealth that has always been, and always will be. Laura’s embodied wisdom and guidance are masterful, and her support in my soul’s remembering have been profoundly life transforming. After applying the Priceless Principles to my daily life, I have transformed my limiting beliefs around money into powerful personal mantras. I have experienced countless deep soul realizations and remembering of my true wealth and divine power as the creator of my reality.

These practices have been the catalyst for reclaiming my birthright of abundance, emotional well-being, and clarity. I am now living a life of true fulfillment, prosperity, purpose, and empowerment — in ALL areas of my life.Making the powerful choice to transform your life with Laura’s loving support is something that I would highly recommend to anyone who feels the call. It has been the best gift I could ever gift myself. Thank you x infinity to Laura for your love and guidance, I am forever grateful.”

~Melissa Thomas

I have been in leadership training and development for over a decade and have never experienced these types of powerful teachings before. Laura’s trainings are profound in shifting behaviors by going to work on the source of why one is taking action in the first place and the core beliefs that are driving them. By giving someone the power to reveal the why and what’s driving their actions, you are giving your company an incredible gift – to show up authentic, powerful, courageous, and confident. When people are coming from these mindsets, companies see a dramatic increase in obtaining improved sustainable results in a short amount of time.

Colleen Schell 

Founder FAB X

I first heard Laura Fredrickson speak at Summit Series, where she captivated her audience, holding 100 people spellbound with her insights and beautiful approach to living. I highly  recommend her to anyone who wants more meaning in their life.

Margot Biznow 

Author:  Raising an Entrepreneur 

My experience with Laura was amazing. I received tools to support me in all areas of my life. I started working with her after a big event in my life. I rapidly started having my health back, and the relationship with my husband improved immensely. My perception about money and my career transformed to another level.

Laura is very professional and clear, and is always advocating for the best for her clients. I am very inspired by how she simplifies the truth and her work always supported my empowerment, and never created a co-dependency with her. I love Laura very much and am in full appreciation for her in my life.”

Lina Vallejo

“Working with Laura is the best investment I’ve ever made in the success of my business and my personal wellbeing. Her compassion and consistency has helped me grow, to understand myself more deeply, and enjoy my life more fully. Starting from our very first session, I had actionable steps that helped me feel better and continue to ripple positive momentum throughout my life. Her wisdom and partnership is priceless, and I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to spend time with her one-on-one and receive the personalized attention she offers through this program. I’m happier than ever, receiving more opportunities than ever, and living a life I’m excited about!”

~ Laura Gosewisch

Laura is uniquely qualified as a guide for those of us who have lost our way in the pursuit of a false sense of security, meaning, and purpose that money gives, because Laura herself was raised in an environment by parents who were blinded more dramatically than most. She witnessed, firsthand, the tragedy that comes, that must come to all who chase these kinds of shadow experiences. Laura is living proof and an exemplar, of someone who has been very far into the darkness, and has come back. She is therefore is a very credible person with whom to explore this new way of relating to money, prosperity, safety, security and control. She is credible in ways that most simply are not.

Barnet Bain

The results of my coaching session with Laura left me looking at my true motivation for building a company. Laura was able to peel me back layer by layer until I found myself staring at my life’s mission statement. Laura’s coaching was articulated perfectly with sustained high energy throughout the entire session. I highly recommend Laura’s coaching to anybody looking to create a life ‘made to order’!

~Dane Short

My journey as an artist has primarily been one regarding self worth. For years, I’d been working hard to deconstruct the negative beliefs I’d constructed about my abilities in order to make room for the creative life I’ve always dreamed of. It wasn’t until I began working with Laura that I was able to tear down the walls I’d built around myself and my career, and take it to the next level. I am eternally grateful for the ways in which Laura has helped shift my perspectives (on myself, my work and money) and remind me of my true value.

~ Allison Kunath

With loving patience and persistence, Laura has been teaching me to rewrite the deepest kernel code of my mind. Her powerful process has moved me from an embattled stance of challenged-based thought and living to an ever-expanding experience of opportunity, abundance and joy. After much testing in my life lab, I can happily report that Laura’s accessible algorithms of clarity and appreciation lead me again and again back into the land of alignment and love. Thank you! Thank you!

Michael Longstaff

My life has been devoted to growth and self-awareness. This past year working with Laura Fredrickson that self-awareness has risen to all new heights. Through her intimate understanding of the Law of Attraction she works with me on a personal level to truly be present with my “best me” forward. She’s one of those masters that is tapped into what’s going on with me energetically at the same time that she’s counseling me verbally. We’ve been working together almost 6 months now and It has truly been an adventure of love, to love, for love and into greater love. Laura’s grasp of the Law of Attraction and other principles can take one on a journey of discovering the truest essence of themselves, through which nothing short of miracles and joy result as outcomes. This is the real deal.

~ Jonathon Barbato

I cannot recommend Laura highly enough. She is clear, razor sharp and is able to zero in on the issue at hand and offer very clear insightful and valuable feedback . She gave me things to think about and to be with all week that I found extremely beneficial. She was also able to give me new perspective and much broader way of looking at things, which I am very grateful for.I feel a tangible shift in the short time I have been working with her!

Amadea Bailey

Laura Fredrickson, in the last year has become such a wonderful part of my life. Laura is my life coach, my spiritual advisor, my support system, a guide to things that I’ve known have always been there, but that I had been blind to before.When I met Laura, I was in a place in my life where I needed someone to help me sort through the thoughts. I’m sure we can all think of a time when this is the case. Instead of wallowing, stressing or denying, I decided to take Laura’s advice and schedule a session with her to talk it out. I was nervous: afraid of what I’d find out or maybe what I wouldn’t, but the clarity that came as a result of working with Laura was mind blowing! There is something about a person teaching you how to help yourself that is downright magical, and this, is one of the many ways that Laura has changed my life.Like so many of us, I was living in LA, working towards the dream, wanting to succeed without ‘selling out’; without playing the game. I didn’t think that it was possible, until I met Laura, and now I know that it’s not only possible, but that embracing that mindset is actually the answer. The tangible change is that I booked a series regular role on a network television series, but the real reward is the strength, clarity and confidence that I now approach my career, my head, and my heart.I feel confident that no matter where you’re going, what you’re doing or who you are, she can help you in the way she has helped me. There is nothing like support, wisdom and guidance to hold your hand along the way. I’m telling you, your life will change, in the most amazing ways.

Cassidy Freeman

I am so honoured to have experienced this deep and transformational soul work with Laura. She embraces a clear channel with the Divine and her compassionate heart. This profound work has provided me with an opportunity to heal and reconnect me with my Soul remembrance. 

Autumn Graca

Laura is a master catalyst to unearth your deepest purpose. Her techniques and process enable you to redefine what success really means to you, activating a sense of joy and integration of emotional, physical and spiritual states. Laura has most definitely been a coach to help me manifest my destiny. She is a gift to those who are ready for more in their lives.

Jeff Scult

Laura is 100% present during her sessions. She has the unique ability to cut through excessive story and go straight to the heart of the matter. She helped me to frame my belief systems in such a way that I could truly understand what the underlying issues were. This allowed me to reimagine my future. I am very thankful for her assistance, since I thought I was stuck and that things weren’t ever going to change. She taught me that I have the power to create the life I’m dreaming of.I’ve been working on a fiction series about ancient mystery teachings for ten years.

   This has been one of my biggest challenges that with Laura’s help I’ve been able to shift. So many things started to shift in the ‘book series’ department, I planned to go to my first book conference ever, and I met someone to perfect my pitch for agents and publishers. So the entire energy shifted, I don’t think I would’ve made these sudden moves without changing the belief systems, so thank you Laura!

Lianne Arrends

Since working with Laura, I have shed limiting beliefs, expanded the joy I feel daily, and become clear on my purpose-driven career direction. I finally feel so much clearer, more purposeful and on path – something I’ve been struggling with for quite some time that was causing much pain and discomfort – and it feels oh-so-good! I trust the larger forces orchestrating life itself, and life is just generally easier, greater flow and happier. Also, I’m signing new clients without even marketing myself! Whether it’s through referrals, meeting people at events, or people I have no relation to reaching out online – abundance is flowing in with little effort on my part. Laura’s guidance was priceless in doing the inner work that leads to both inner and outer results. I am so grateful. Thank you Laura!

Ania Kusk

Business Coach & Marketing Consultant

Laura has taken experiences in her life that would surely have destroyed many people and then utilized these experiences as a powerful catalyst for transformation within herself. She is now sharing this transformation in the context of a simple tool-set and path that anyone can easily follow. I am certain this will eventually help millions of people remember their self love and personal power, and that is something we can ALL be grateful for.

James Barnard

My experience with Laura Fredrickson has been surreal. Having 20+ years in the financial service industry as a financial advisor, and hiring multiple coaches, I feel comfortable in saying I know the difference of mediocrity and amazing. I feel Laura is gifted and has this innate ability to identify road blocks, and more importantly, her constant accountability allows one to become very mindful of their words which will transcend to more optimal relationships with a spouse/partner, business, health and overall well being. 

I am still in awe of how every aspect of my life has improved and her powerful words resonate and guide me in between my calls to keep me aligned. Laura sticks to core principles/laws that do not waiver and her full proof recipe for alignment aka, vast improvement in your life, always works. 

I would recommend Laura’s proactive expertise to any individual that is ready to make a major change in their life. Caution, Laura will not give in to your preconceived notions of obstacles, she will teach you that your perception of any situation is all that really matters and you have the ability to make meaningful change in 30 days time. 

After years of cystic breasts, a recent visit to my gynecologist informed me that I changed the composition of my breasts. My doctor of 15 years looked at her notes several times and asked me specifically, “ What are you doing different.” I laughed out loud and said, I hired Laura Fredrickson. With gratitude, heartfelt mindfulness, meditation and shifting gears with Laura’s help, I am on an amazing new journey of focus and results.

Mary Jo White

The Priceless Principles course with Laura Fredrickson truly is an invaluable experience. I learned many skills that will stay with me the rest of my life. Within a month I tripled my income and opened to several new opportunities. I highly recommend the course for anyone wanting to increase their happiness and well being.

Ken Von Roenn III

After a lifetime of personal growth, facilitation and leadership working with Laura Fredrickson provided the cliff notes my heart has needed to take my life and work to an entirely new level. The clarity of her words combined with her compassionate style and delivery helped breathe new life into the laws of spirit, life and creation. I strongly recommend her as both as a coach and as a role model for living.

~ Rich Dutra-St John

After only 1 session with Laura, I experienced such a profound shift in my conscious awareness, it literally changed my life! Laura possesses the innate ability to reach into the very depths of your soul and gently guide you into your own remembering of your authentic truth. You owe it to yourself to experience this beautiful Light for yourself. I can’t wait for my next session! Thank you, Laura, from the bottom of my heart.

Jill M Jackson

 Award Winning Psychic Medium

I’ve had wonderful, deep, meaningful conversations with Laura that have led to higher states of understanding and peace; She has an incredible ability to help you positively shape your internal dialogue and clear away the debris standing between you and your intentions.

Jeff Rosenthal

Before I began my work with Laura, there was always an underlying fear that the “other shoe” would drop and the money would run out.  Stress and worry, no matter how much was reflected in my account. I didn’t trust that everything would be ok. I was not feeling free and joyful.. As a result of working with Laura I now feel a core trust in life itself and a deep sense of gratitude.  I have created my dream job and feel a sense of ease around money for the first time in my life, and I LOVE paying my bills, which is a shock given how much stress it had created before. Everything in my life has improved and I am able to be more present and loving with my children and my husband and feel an overall state of freedom, empowerment and love in my life.

Sam Saturn 

Chief Marketing Officer – SESAC

I am grateful for Laura’s Priceless Program. In a month’s time I have learned these Priceless tools that I can use for the rest of my life. When I started the course I felt worried and depressed. After 30 days, I feel hopeful and optimistic about my future! If I get off track, I can always come back to my plan. No amount of money can equal the knowledge that I have gained. I am locked into this infinite eternal path that was lovingly and powerfully taught to me. Thank you Laura Fredrickson for your wisdom and loving forcefullness. I am humbled and forever changed.

~  Pamela Maldonado

If someone would have told me how different my life would be today versus 1 year ago, I wouldn’t have believed them. Every aspect of my being has changed for the better, including my perspective and the overall framework of my life. I just finished the most successful quarter of my work and am the top producer at my agency. I am more relaxed and don’t feel stress to the degree that I used to. My friends, family and colleagues have all noticed the difference in me as well. I can honestly say Laura’s Priceless Program helped me shift my life for the better for the rest of my life. And I am so grateful for her! I recommend the program to anyone who wants to take steps to evolve and function at a higher level.

Mary Ford

Laura, through a series of coaching conversations helped catalyze what my next life’s work was to be after a crisis filled year. Her sterling intention and dynamic energy have supported me through 10+ years. Her commitments to a life path that supports her own self growth and development as well as those around her are an inspiring example of “walking her talk”….BE coming the change in our world.

Jan Salerno

Laura is truly gifted. She has a soothing, intelligent, compassionate and insightful way to champion your spirit and to align your soul to its true nature. I have learned a lot from her over working together over the years. There are sayings she imparts during her work that I often recall in my day to day life happenings to approach them with more ease and grace. Laura is a blessing and truly cares for others at a deep level. I would recommend if you are considering working with her to go for it! Your life will definitely be better with her guidance.

Doug Akin

Laura has been a powerful spiritual guide for me to help me understand limiting belief systems (BS) and reframe to come from a higher perspective. Through our work together, I have become more grounded, peaceful, and a more aligned version of myself. I highly recommend Laura to anyone looking to do deep work on themselves.

Shaunda Brown

During a pivotal juncture in my life, Laura emerged as a guiding light. Her coaching proved invaluable in offering me clarity amidst chaos. From our initial session, Laura skillfully steered my mindset away from turmoil towards a more constructive outlook.

She possesses a remarkable talent for imparting essential life skills while equipping me with the tools necessary to chart a clear path forward. Even now, I continue to seek her guidance when faced with uncertainty. Laura is not just a life coach; she is a beacon of wisdom support.

Ingrid Reyes

Laura has helped me make massive shifts that have forever changed the way I view every day and all its details. I’m in awe of the shift and am constantly grateful for your wisdom and willingness serve in the way you do.

Kerry Mayorga

Laura is a world-class facilitator and her offering is one of a kind. Working with her was a life-changing experience. I now have an experiential knowledge of universal principles that I have grasped intellectually for a long time but had never been able to fully put into practice. I also have a completely empowered and transformed relationship with money and my ability to generate abundance doing what I love. Most of all, I have reconnected with my heart’s deepest desires, my creative inspiration is flowing with ease and all areas of my life are reflecting that more and more every day. Laura is priceless.

Chris Assaad

  “I reached out to Laura for a Soul Session to connect with my personal guides and ancestors. I was touched by her accuracy on many fronts. One of the guides she mentioned had been a face I had seen for quite some time but didnt realize who it was. She also channeled some specific sounds I had made as a little girl which were very helpful for me. She also brought forth a message regarding my pet- which was later validated by a pet intuitive.

 Amazing! In the crowded world of coaches, healers, and intuitives, Laura’s remarkable light and talents shine bright. She is the real deal and without hesitation, I highly recommend working with her.

~ J Dean

Working with Laura Fredrickson was a wonderful experience. I felt a clarity like never before in mind, body and soul. Anyone who is looking for that extra little push to create a clear and concise plan in your life. I would highly recommend Laura!

Jed Rhein

Laura is master with words and her style is very loving, nurturing and supportive . Working with her was very powerful process and she has given me tools to shift fearful perceptions into loving and trusting daily mantras . I now have structure in my life to exercise self -care in all areas of my life.  She’s helped me to realize that the most valuable thing is how I feel…. and that making downstream choices , inspired choices will lead to my heart’s desires. I am now choosing to focus my attention on appreciation and “what is” working in my life and aligning myself with love and optimism. I am more trusting of myself and the universe. I so grateful to Laura and her wisdom.

 ~ John Bonny

Laura I can’t thank you enough for the clarity I found through our coaching sessions. You were so amazing in the way you always went straight to the root of my challenges, helped me recognize them for what they were and move through them. It certainly enabled me to breeze through some of those challenges I had in writing my book with ease and joy. What a gift.Thanks!

~ Kucki Low

Laura’s insightful guidance and coaching supported me immenselyin finding the true gifts that I have to share as an artist in this world.

~ Marcus Maria Jung

My brief time with Laura has opened my eyes to a new world of what I believed I was capable of. In the last 3 months alone, I have made some huge life changes in the direction of following my path as an artist, changes that would have been a long time coming on my own. Laura has given me the clarity to live in a state of allowing the universe to deliver to me exactly what I know I deserve. My positive outlook and my career opportunities have increased immeasurably since I began my coaching sessions with Laura, and I will continue the sessions with her as a compass to help me down my path of success and happiness into the foreseeable future.

Noah Harald

Laura has an instinctual ability to cut through any sort of banter and baggage and to get straight to the heart of the matter. Her proven methodology outlines a roadmap to advancing a better relationship with self, others, and money. Above all, she doesn’t accept half-baked excuses – she ensures accountability in driving change and shifting ideology to achieving transformation. It’s empowering to know that results start with thoughts.

Pavel Reppo

 Founder and Executive Director of Finemind

I am deeply thankful I got the opportunity to work with Laura. She has taught me invaluable tools I will use for the rest of my life. Before I started working with Laura I felt stressed, I felt uncertain if what I was doing was the right thing and I had a lot of fear for how my career would develop. I was stuck in thinking that outer circumstances define my reality. Laura has helped me understand what I need to focus on to reach my goals and live a harmonious life.

With her unique techniques of awareness exercises she has helped me realize what was holding me back and how to shift those perspectives. She has taught me how I can choose to create my reality the way I want it. Listening to her talk is like hearing what I have been longing for since forever, but never was able to figure out on my own.

Through the course of only four weeks of working together things have changed drastically for me. Not only do I feel calm and relaxed, I feel empowered, joyful and free. 

After three weeks of working together literal evidence started showing up ~I received my best paid commission ever, same week I inherited money I was offered a free repair for my car, someone offered me a free office space, and I received more commissions! I am a more powerful version of myself because of the sessions I shared with Laura. I have more power in the sense of having more focus, more awareness, and more personal clarity, while at the same time cultivating a greater access to love, joy and happiness. Our time together positively impacted all the areas of my life because of her ability to fo directly to the foundations within myself from where all the details of my life originates. Her insight and guidance were both an honor and a pleasure to receive and our work together will stay with me forever. 

~ Robert Bengtson

I love the concept that we have in our lives people who are collaborators and people who are side-liners. In other words, those who support you and those who watch you pass them by. Laura is definitely a collaborator in your success. Laura will support you every step of the way in her gentle, honest yet firm way. She will always challenge you to create your life beyond what you thought was possible and keep you on track when you get caught up in your stories of “why I can’t”. Because of Laura, I’ve created the life I always wanted and am really living it fully present with joy and gratitude.

Traci Dority

I was blessed to be gifted a session with Laura over 15 years ago. Working with Laura has shifted my life in profound ways and guided me towards deeply knowing my truth. She intuitively always knows when I’ve turned upstream and appears to offer support. And everytime we connect and I experience her incredible gifts I’m back in the flow and feeling joy, peace and love. Her service is invaluable.

Colby DiSarro

I wish to express my deepest thanks for the encouragement and guidance to take a new, clear, joyful and simple path in my life journey. Since taking the first few steps on the Priceless Life path- with Laura gently whispering ‘you can do it, it is your birth right’- I have experienced immense connection to the present, to the wonder and joy in my life, to my own wonderful and powerful self. Thank you Laura and your Priceless program for your loving guidance and your faith in life. This is a path that is both easy and fulfilling. I walk it happily every day. Before I began the program I often felt anxious and overwhelmed by the many things I wanted to/felt obliged to do. Now, with my daily practice, I feel calm and trust that all will unfold as and when it needs to.

Daisy Dinwoodie

As soon as you meet Laura you know you’re in good hands. Her soul will hug you. She helped me through the journey of losing my mother.  She has been so great throughout the journey . Such an honor to have her as a guide and friend. I can’t recommend her enough.

Dario Petrino

Laura’s ability to assist me in seeking my truth and clarity are nothing less than extraordinary, I am forever grateful.

David Geller

My sessions with Laura have truly transformed my life. Her gifts and strengths; wisdom and connections were delivered in such a potent manner. I am forever grateful to Laura.

Iya Vassa

Laura simply helped me change my life. She helped me reverse many years of bad habits and negative thinking and undo a misguided approach to working and living. I went from feeling stressed and anxious the majority of the time to a life of appreciation and abundance.

James Pacitti

I am so grateful for the lessons I have learned during my conversations and sessions with Laura.  She has a magical blend of wisdom, humor, truth and insight.  She illuminates the best version of myself, and the paths to recognize it.  I especially appreciate her spiritual insights and wisdom.  I have had sessions with Laura for three years, and my life is better for them.  Thank you, Laura.

Janice Brown

“I had the privilege of participating in Laura’s Priceless Program at a time when I needed it most. I was in a bad financial situation after leaving my marriage that felt impossible to overcome. On top of this, as a practitioner having spent 12+ years studying, researching and practicing in my field yet I could not stop giving it my service away for free, I had finally seen a light ~ the correlation between my own self worth and both the men I was choosing, and the path i was taking in my career – neither of them lucrative nor supportive of my dream or my potential. Enter Laura and her Priceless Program. I was drowning myself in Facebook to avoid my reality one evening, when I saw her program. The next thing I knew I was immersed in the singularly most powerful metamorphosis of my life.

I have attended many retreats, seminars and workshops and have even been mentored by a renowned doctor in the spiritual realm; yet nothing came close to providing both the insight into my blocks and how to remove them, in order to quickly and abundantly manifest what I wanted in my life. The transformation was instant. The moment I started to employ just some of her shockingly simple tools – and committing to and valuing my self in a daily practice – my life began to open up.

It has been 1 month since i took her Priceless Program and while it will always be a constant evolution, I have a trust in my self and the universe to provide for me like I have never had before; a trust that I had been searching what seemed a lifetime to find.

Laura’s program provides more than insight – it provides tangible, practical, powerful and simple tools to create authentic abundance in your life. The rewards have been flowing in BIG ways ever since the moment I invested in her wisdom, but the tools far surpass financial abundance and reach heights that will remind you of your value in the world and how incredibly abundant every area of your life can be.

Kerry Ford

Laura has been an inspiration to my life.  She is a guiding energy that was pivotal on my path both spiritually and energetically.  She is open in sharing her life experiences and has helped so many people to manifest their desires and their best selves.

Nancy Caruso

I would recommend Laura to anyone who is sincere in their pursuit of life awareness and self fulfillment. Laura is inspirational, and has helped me to transform desires of mine, into a vibrant reality. Her attitude towards life is something we can all learn from.

Sophie Parrott

Being a longtime student of leadership and organizational development, my first-hand experience of Laura Fredrickson has been one of a succinct, sensitive, potent, and practical application of the most empowering and effective elements in the realms of human interaction, collaboration, and manifestation. The framework of her offering is simple and poignant in that it cuts through any layers of conditioning to the heart of the mater, which is precisely where she guides you. she offers the deepest reflections on joyful, loving co-creation in such a way that truly opens one/or many up to a range of possibility that borders on the infinite.  

Steve Ehlinger

Laura Fredrickson is a master spiritual coach. Playful and deeply intuitive, Laura has guided me to develop a genuine self-love through which I have created a richer, fuller, more authentically fulfilling life. If you want to be kinder to yourself, show up with less judgement, be accountable without feeling shame, or simply happier, I highly recommend working with Laura.

Susan Friese

Laura is pure wisdom and she is tapped into a deeper place in the universe than many of us get to venture to, but through sessions with Laura she will generously share this knowledge with you and guide you to hear your own inner wisdom. After my set of sessions I felt a renewed sense of my place in the world and in life and felt so much gratitude for it all and for Laura.

Erin Northcott

“Laura has a marvelous way of asking the right questions to get you thinking and to help you change your beliefs and your mindset. Working with her has changed my life for the better, and I highly recommend anyone who needs support, new perspective and a refresh of your good feelings about yourself and your life.

Natalia Zelter

Laura is an outstanding facilitator in helping me find that mind/body/spirit connection which brings peace and joy.  I highly recommend her services.

Jessie Morgan

Working with Laura has been the best choice I have ever made. Her approach is clear, compassionate and empowering. I started this journey feeling discouraged and only week later- after my first session with her, my feelings and emotions shifted remarkably.If your soul brought you to read this testimony and you are truly looking for answers to enlighten your journey, shift your perception and tune up with your higher self, I HIGHLY recommend you contact her IMMEDIATELY and simply listen to what she has to say. Laura is incredibly assertive. The kind of assertiveness that only comes from someone who walks her talk.

~ Marcia Araujo

Laura continues to teach me the art of dreaming bigger than I ever imagined. Her support is deep, loving and persistent and I can feel it whether we are speaking or not. I will always treasure her deep understanding about the essence of who I am and that she strives to remind as many people of this as she can. I find her passion for service in this area refreshing and inspiring. She coaches creatively and powerfully and I enjoy watching with her my ever present success unfold before my eyes.

Tiffany Miller

     “Laura’s Priceless Program helped me pave the way to the awareness within that is needed to keep me aligned and on the path of abundance. Thank you Laura!

Casey Heisler

I am grateful to Laura and the Priceless Program for joyfully and clearly providing me with a simple formula for staying mindful of my thoughts and feelings, giving me the chance to clearly envision and define my hearts desire and choose how I live in this world, and to choose trust, happiness, connection, integrity, love, abundance and fulfillment in my personal and professional life. It was inspiring and heart opening and I am truly thankful.

~ Stuart Dinwoodie

We have had the opportunity and good fortune to have experienced Laura Fredrickson’s participation in our business. She has successfully proven the value of her coaching & consulting abilities and acumen for our business. We highly recommend the invaluable services of Priceless Coaching & Consulting to any company, business, or individual.

Elliot Winfield

I have sought Laura’s council for the past 5 years, as I have ushered my business into an international realm. Her insights have always included great clarity and objectivity. She has the incredible capacity for patience and an innate ability to truly listen, behind the words. She is a leader, visionary, and an inspiration in a team environment as well as an anchor for focus and authentic motivation. I have traveled the world, and have lived and studied religions, and have worked with other spiritual leaders, but have never met a more spiritual yet grounded and authentic person than Laura. To know her is a blessing, to work with her is good fortune. It is very refreshing to work with Laura, because anything she touches or puts her energy into is successful because it comes from total truth, compassion and passion. When she does something it is of total commitment. I have seen only a few times in my life people that can function at this level of integrity and commitment and with such a moral foundation. My respect for Laura goes beyond what words can say. I do know this, she is truly the finest person I have had the privilege of ever meeting in my lifetime.

~ Howard A. Foote

“Attending the Lucrative Lightworker Program was a truly transformative experience. From the moment I entered online, the atmosphere felt magical, as if the very air was charged with a unique energy. The sessions were not just classes but profound journeys into self-awareness and financial enlightenment. Each lesson brought a deep cleansing of old, limiting beliefs about money, replacing them with a renewed sense of abundance and possibility. By the end of the course, I was not only more attuned to the flow of wealth but also more aligned with my true purpose.”

~ Paula Smo

“After taking the Lucrative light worker program, I’ve experienced a powerful transformation that has deeply impacted my life. This program has reignited my creative power, allowing me to take full control of my reality with newfound clarity and confidence.

I now wake up every day feeling lighter, more joyful, and connected to my true self. The abundance that surrounds me—in my relationships, finances, health, and environment—has become more visible and meaningful. I’ve learned to shift my perspective, embracing every aspect of my life as a form of abundance, even the challenges.

The program also helped me strengthen my relationships, bringing more harmony and love into my interactions with family and friends. What was once a source of stress has become an opportunity for growth and connection.

Lucrative LightWorker has truly empowered me to live a life filled with purpose, joy, and limitless possibilities. If you’re ready to experience a similar transformation, this program is your path to unlocking the life you’ve always dreamed of.”

~ Besan Dahboor Engel

“I’m filled with deep gratitude for the life-changing experience of learning these luminous codes that Laura so masterfully teaches. They’ve profoundly transformed my relationship with money, self-worth, and abundance. 

Through this powerful journey, my fears around specific stories and also money have blossomed into empowerment and joy. I’ve rewritten my personal narrative from scarcity to infinite possibility, discovering a new relationship with myself built on self-love and unwavering belief in my own worthiness and beauty-codes.

These inner-new-knowings can now alchemize any scenario into an opportunity for growth, helping me “flip the script” on self-sabotaging mindsets. I now understand that my truest wealth has always resided within me. And that… is pure GOLD.

To anyone seeking clarity and abundance, I wholeheartedly encourage you to dive into the Lucrative Lightworker program. These teachings have illuminated my path with more joy, ease in purpose, and fulfillment. This journey has been ‘priceless’, and I am forever grateful.”

~ Lucinda Rae, Artist & Author

“The Lucrative Lightworkers Activation was such a special and valuable experience and I couldn’t be happier that I joined. It’s as if a light bulb finally turned on in my awareness through this process and the pieces have come together.

Laura’s simple, yet incredibly powerful, tools have allowed me to feel good, start manifesting all my dreams, and gain more clarity into the gifts I want to share with the world.

And most exciting for me is that I’ve been able to stay consistent with what I learned in the program because the practices are so easy and manageable.”

~ Colby DiSarro

“Thank you so much for your wonderful guidance during 8 days. I have been in self love since Day 3, been invited 2 times, found new friends. 

It’s easy for me – again – to make contacts as this was always one of my gifts a long time ago. From jumping back to life I am sure to find opportunities very soon to launch a business too.

Your course was a wake up call to love and honor myself and I go on now with all loving reminders of the workbook as they serve me keeping a high vibration.”

~ Petra Rose Marie