August 29, 2016

Are you insane or inspired?

Everything you DO will bear the mark of the consciousness in which you do it. NO amount of action can replace misaligned consciousness.
August 25, 2016

The Divine Conspiracy

In the moment that you are clear about what you are wanting, the Universe conspires to deliver to you all cooperative relationships for your fulfillment..
June 2, 2016


My life was a nightmare. I had just lost both of my parents to suicide together over money.
June 2, 2016


In all great ages of times past, accounts of prolific heroes are found. Tales are told of incredibly courageous human beings,
June 2, 2016

True Love

When we begin to enter into the domain of Self mastery and true sovereignty, and we Real-Eyes that our personal reality is informed ONLY by our perceptions
June 1, 2016

Hitting the Wall…..Street

Today I want to talk about MONEY. About how we rob ourselves from the life we were intended to live - because of our flawed relationship to money.
May 25, 2016

I am-ing

What are you "I am-ing" about? ..."I am lonely" OR "I am confident and fulfilled in myself".
May 18, 2016

Celebration Feels Good

You are attracting based on how you feel. Competition doesn't feel good. Celebration does.
May 17, 2016

Story Addiction

One of the primary reasons peoples experiences don´t change is they continue to regurgitate the same story over and over
May 6, 2016

Eliminate Overwhelm

The #1 cause of overwhelm is not minding our own business. Your only business is to focus on 'what' you want and 'why' you want it.
May 3, 2016


Each person that comes into your life is a reflection of the relationship you have with yourself. Just as there is a Law of Gravity,
May 2, 2016

Realizing the Gifts within our Struggles

What an incredible time to be alive. I am eternally grateful for my journey and experiences.
April 27, 2016

Enhance Your Meditation?

Typically when people meditate they try to silence their mind.  Please know this is energetically impossible, unless you have a lobotomy.