June 28, 2021
Embracing Love Again After Suicide with Ricki Lake
September 18, 2021


Now more than ever before it is so important to cherish ourselves. There is no one like you and never has been. Thank you for being here and embarking on this journey. I know it is not an easy one, but remember Source knows your name and miracles reside in the invisible. Never, never, never give in to the illusions of your mind

The purpose of your mind is to amplify your divinity. Your mind and heart are partners that support your experience of freedom, fulfillment and prosperity. When the synapses of your mind are attuned to your innate light and true Self, your wattage is amplified. When your mind begins to hijack your intimate knowing of your essential Self you will suffer.

Your internal storyboard paints the picture of what is to come as everything and everyone is a reflection of your inner dialogue. When your mind defies your true Self and you vilify and bully yourself, you deny your magnificence. Never believe a thought that does not empower you.

The ego mind is also notorious for creating an egoic spreadsheet of checks and balances, garnering payouts based on what you have done, keeping you on the contingency plan of accomplishments for a sense of well being and inner peace. Remember your presence is everything and is enough.

Resolution to an internal power struggle of your ego and your soul resides in your greatest resource which is your focus and your attention. Stepping into conscious awareness of this is key.
What story are you telling yourself now?
Are you a Naysayer or a Yaysayer for your life?
Is what you are promoting in your own internal “storyboard” life affirming and feel good?

Placing a love note of awareness around your home to bring a loving awareness to your inner dialogue is also a nurturing gesture – “What are you thinking about now my friend?”.

The divine that is in love with you wants you to love you equally, which you do through the stories that you tell yourself.

Laura Fredrickson
Laura Fredrickson

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